Changes in Not A Commander: 1.0-ALPHA: after 02/03/04: - fixed the bug with incorrect selection after deleting files or changing the sort order - fixed ophelper to work around glibc bug in setvbuf() on linux - workaround for broken Unmap on Tk8.3.5 on Linux - added geometry recalculation on Map events, for Tk8.3.5 on Linux - fixed races in the panel geometry calculations that broke on Tk8.3.5 - fixed the fkeys help line change on pressing Shift, with XKB and multiple languages enabled after 12/23/03: - the viewer selection position becomes always visible when moved (and that made the resizes with an active selection much faster too) - minor improvements in the class infrastructure - naciew in hex mode now can display selection (but it can't be changed in hex mode yet) - the colors for selections can now be set in tune.tcl, and with options to the viewer widget after 11/19/03: - selections work in the wrap mode too - fixed a race in stext1 quick partial redisplay - fixed the C code to build on UnixWare again after 05/22/03: - the selections work much faster (though the other limitations still apply) after 04/08/03: - a simpleminded implementation of text selections in naciew - fixed the broken Alt-1..9,0 to send shells to background after 03/14/03: - fixed naciew not returning to column 0 on switch to hex mode - fixed \n at ends of lines in naciew wrap mode - fixed hang in naciew wrap mode on empty files - vastly improved naciew scrolling performance by eliminating the double buffering in the simple text widget - speeded up drawing of long lines in the simple text window - further speeded up the line scrolling - fixed the disappearance of the right scrollbar in naciew in resizing after 02/23/03: - moved expansion of tabs in naciew into a C routine - fixed a nacview crash due to missing widget class in stext1 - in naciew fixed horizontal scrolling of short lines - naciew got a hexadecimal dump mode - naciew got a line-wrapping mode - naciew handles better the growth of file on stdin - added reloading of file in naciew - added changing of functional keys labels depending on naciew mode - naciew can read device files - naciew gives decent messages if it can't open the file after 09/17/02: - added caching of directories, to make repeated reading faster - added line extension markers in naciew - fixed a crash in txtbf:_offln when naciew reads from /dev/zero - naciew got a horizontal scroll bar - scrollbars in naciew got better colors - naciew now avoids Tk's expansion of some characters as escape sequences - added the setting for naciew font into nac.sysrc after 08/14/02: - better handling of xterm losing focus in fvwm2 - fixed the crashes on binary files in naciew - added data caching in naciew - optimizations in naciew text buffer - limited the size of type-ahead buffer for relatively long operations (such as PgUp, PgDn and others) in the panels and naciew - naciew shows the line number - naciew displays the tabs properly - worked around a memory leak in Tcl 8.0 standard "concat" - naciew can read files from stdin - naciew got a vertical scrollbar after 07/17/02: - added the debug window - disabled auto-cleaning when browsing history in an entry field - made the Quick Find entry auto-cleaning and with history - added the directory-only ability in Quick Find - got rid of hogging of the directories by the cached background shells - added copying of working directory to command line on ^P after 04/19/02: - added a prototype implementation of the viewer `naciew' - the default values of tunables now are in tune.tcl instead of nacmain.tcl after 12/25/01: - fixed the switching code: it mixed up the panels - fixed the breakdown if keymap contains NoSymbol entries - added Linux support - fixed Alt-arrows working twice when panels are closed - fixed the crash when trying to read a non-existing directory - added Reload to the panel menus - fixed the window title for View/Edit file commands after 12/05/01: - added the Rename by Regexp operation - added support for the command line options, added the Wish options - added the title and name options - added the terminal emulator options - added the geometry option after 11/15/01: - fixed the bug with broken history browsing with panels closed - added caching and reuse of helpers for reading of directories - got rid of hogging the directory where NAC was started - fixed the file descriptor leak when reading directories - fixed a buffer corruption in ophelper (I wonder how it worked at all) - fixed focus jumps in dialogs when NAC loses focus and then gets it back - added the Change File Attributes operation after 10/11/01: - fixed the bug with change of the selected files on changing of the sorting after 09/09/01: - fixed remembering of the destination between file operations - added command line history traversal by Alt-Up/Down - added history to the file operations destination field - added history to the group selection pattern field - added limited support of the Midnight Commander's mc.ext after 07/13/01: - fixed the bug with resizing of the panels on un-hiding - added the quick finding of files by name after 06/24/01: - added caching of xterm between the calls to view/edit after 05/15/01: - fixed the calculation of total selected file size after group selection - added support of the keypad Enter key (same as normal ) - moved the background operations status line to the top of main window - added the proper window title - removed the binding for Ctrl-Shift-O (which was the same as Esc) - added the job control - added the minimal implementation of View and Edit operations - added installation - added explicit killing of all the helpers and xterms on exit Prorotype: after 04/15/01: - minor bugfixes in the class infrastructure code - added the Mkdir operation - improved the default destination for file operations - fixed the check of ancestral relations in geometry managers - added pasting of the X selection into entries on Button-2 - fixed the xterm focus handling when the mouse cursor is out of the NAC window - added the group selection of files by pattern after 03/30/01: - significantly (~3 times) speed up paging up&down through the panels - optimized the class variables infrastructure for better performance - added intermediate panel updates when moving the cursor in the panel up or down, so its jumps are limited and less annoying now - added the system error messages in the file command error dialogs - added error dialog on the chdir errors in panels - added sorting in the panels - fixed the bug with mispositioning of the current file after deleting some files - rewrote and optimized reading of directories to compensate for the slow-down caused by sorting after 02/14/01: - added support for implementation of the geometry managers in Tcl - added auto-wrapping labels - rewrote the dialog posting with custom geometry managers and auto-wrapping labels, it looks cleaner and works better now - added a simple help window (with README file in it) and About window - added menus - added scrolling left and right in file/log view dialogs after 01/16/01: - simplified start of the ophelper by better use of Tcl bidirectional pipes - added summary of selected files on the panel info line - added support for operations on symlinks - added copying of hard-linked files as hard links - added option to preserve file attributes on copy - added the file Move operation - fixed focus handling when switching to and from xterm - improved recognition in the panel of chdir to parent - fixed handling of files with LF (\n) in their name - added execution of executable files on - added copying to the command line and running in backgroung on with various combinations of and - implemented ^U, ^V, Home, End and word navigation universally in all entry fields (as well as the command line) - fixed spurious spaces appearing at the end of command line if it contains control characters - added command line history after 12/19/00: - added a simple check against copying a directory into itself recursively - stopping of copying is suported now - added buttons to start unattended copy without any stops - in the copy error dialog renamed the button "Stop" to "Abort" and in the copy progress dialog renamed "Cancel" to "Stop" - reduced the padding of the dialog buttons for better look - disabled highlighting of dialog buttons when the mouse cursor is over them - fixed compatibility with SystemV - added a minimalistic implementation of copy error log - added the file Delete operation - added ability to run the file operations in background - fixed (again) re-reading of directories after execution of commands, this time it should be fixed right - added reloading of directory by keyboard command - added intelligence to position the current file in the panel after chdir to parent directory - documented the file operations - changed the convention for naming of dialog classes to avoid ambiguity after 11/26/00: - fixed re-reading of directory after execution of any command - implemented the Copy operation through a copy helper - the user interface is a bit simplistic yet and some abilities in the copying itself are missing - added focus geometry description for dialogs, this allows to use arrow keys for navigation - changed the color scheme of dialogs - fixed bug with wrong highlighting of cursor in an entry when moving the cursor right to the last character which is a control character - added active/inactive look to the entries - added color arguments to the xterm command line - added the universally styled rules and checkbuttons for dialogs after 11/02/00: - changed shell death criterion to 10 deaths in 1 second instead of 2 - made the Insert key move the current position down - fixed bug with running commands - automatic unshifting the fkeys help line on loss of focus - added toggling of fkeys help line by Ctrl-B - made labels in fkey help line of equal size - added control in rc over initial display of panels - added Ctrl-U to clear the command line, Ctrl-Shift-U to switch panels - added banner while xterm starts - run xmodmap only once and cache results for faster start-up - delayed chdir on hidden panels until they become visible - inserting control keys verbatim on Ctrl-V - added dialog windows: exit now happens through a dialog - added dialog for Copy - interface only, copy is not done yet - did some internal restructurisation, split the stuff into many files - added 300ms pause between rwo calls to reparent xterm, looks like it's more reliable this way after 10/27/00: - documented the Insert key - documented the interaction with shell - xhelper became a Tcl/Tk module - added full disclosure of xterm on Esc/Ctrl-Shift-O - changed the exit key to F10 - documented the policy of function keys - configuration with rc files - added the function key help line